Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Technorati is a website that enables users to search all the blogs out in cyberspace. It was interesting to see how this worked. When searching for 76 blogs were found. The results included sites that mentioned the Palm Beach County Library System games as well as the PBCLS website's excellent reader's advisory lists. To get results that include staff blogs participating in the 23 things project a search for Palm Beach County Library is needed.

When I searched for Web 2.0 on Technorati there were 471,232 results. What I found interesting was that there were so many blogs on this topic, in many languages (French, Spanish etc.) and the different interpretations of what the definition of Web 2.0 is.

I think this could be a better site then what it presently is. Check the site out for yourself

Today I played around with which is a tagging and social bookmarking website. I see this as being extremely useful to library staff. I love that I can save bookmarks to a site and then am able to use them on whatever computer I happen to be working on. It is great to be able to sort the bookmarks by tags so that similar sites can easily be found for all the users on
Check out

Friday, June 20, 2008

Today I Played With Image Generators

I used images generators from
I created a map of places I traveled to in the United States with their Map Maker
I also used the site's jigsaw maker
I created a jigsaw puzzle of my adorable dog Sasha.
It was really a lot of fun and I could see how knowledge of image generators could be useful to me in the future.


Several weeks ago I opened up a Bloglines account. This is used to keep track of RSS feeds (news articles) that are of interest to one. I have several RSS feeds on my Bloglines account including things of interest to me personally (AboutDogs.Info) as well as those of use in the workplace (Librarians Internet Index). This is a great way to get up news on topics without having to search for topics yourself on a daily basis.