Tuesday, July 15, 2008

In The End

In the end I learned so much about web 2.0 technology and hope that we will do projects like this in the future.


Overdrive is a wonderful online downloadable audiobook catalog. Some audiobooks can even be burned to a disc. The instructions are clear and concise on the video portion. I listened to Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. It was a fast and easy way to obtain an audiobook and really brought the classic to life.

NPR Podcast Directory

This is a great podcast site because it has it's own NPR player (no other software is needed). It's easy to search and has some great book related podcasts. It easily downloaded to my Bloglines account. I listened to Nancy Pearl's Carry-On Books To Take You Up, Up And Away . She discusses great books to take on a plane trip. It was informative and fun.

You Tube

The video podcast that I watched on You Tube was the Anna Introduction Tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Svg_fflx1Uw from The University of Southern Mississippi. It is a tutorial of how to use the Anna catalog from USM's library and introduces the patron to the library. I thought this was a great idea especially for users who are more hands on and comfortable with computers. They get a basic overview of the library and the catalog.

The only drawbacks are that patrons who are not as tech savvy may be uncomfortable and questions cannot be asked by the patron during the session. One on one instruction can never truly be replaced.

Color Blender

One of the 2008 Web 2.0 winners is the site Color Blender which won first place in the visual arts category. Colors can be created for use with other programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator or can be emailed. That feature is really useful for someone creating a web site, graphics for materials both print and electronic and photograph retouching. Librarians can use this site to create more individualistic materials for their library or for library web masters. Someone who does not have the industry tools like Photoshop or Illustrator can really benefit from an extended color palette.

It would be nice if the site was compatible with Microsoft Office or Flash but the colors can be downloaded.

Zoho Writer

I toyed around with of online productivity web-based word processing program Zoho Writer. I found it easy to use just like any other word processing program. There are different fonts styles, colors, background colors, photographs and charts can be added to documents.

I like that documents can be available easily to others without worry of the software version someone else has. This makes it much easier to deliver documents and for groups working on the same project. It is nice that documents can be easily converted to other web formats such as html or pdf file.

Monday, July 14, 2008


I liked the Sandbox portion in exploring wikis. I think incorporating play into technology make people want to utilize it even more. I enjoyed looking at people's favorites on the pbcls wiki and adding some of my own to the lists.


I looked at two library wikis. I really liked Library Success: A Best Practices of Wiki

It really interesting how librarians created this page to help each other use technology to for programming and developing imaginative ways to utilize new technology. It is a place for all librarians to add to the library community.

The second wiki I explored was the Bulls Run Library Wiki http://bullrunlibrary.pbwiki.com/, which is a public library wiki. I liked this wiki because it shows how libraries can use a wiki to promote their own services and programs.

Library 2.0

I had read through a number of Library 2.0 articles. I particularly liked Michael Stephens' (Librarian, Blogger) article Into a New World of Librarianship http://www.oclc.org/nextspace/002/3.htm. Stephens describes six way to best incorporate library 2.0 into your library:
1) Using Library 2.0 as a 'strategy guide' for helping users find information, gather knowledge and create content" (para. 1). It's the idea of using new technologies to better do our jobs; to better help our patrons.
2)Creating plans for utilizing technologies to provide services, materials and outreach based on user need (para. 2). It is bringing services to users no matter where they are: "home, work, commuting, school, or at the library" (para. 2).
3) Embracing Web 2.0 tools to better connect with patron (para. 3). For instance using IMs for patrons unable to physically come to the library.
4)Controlling technolust- which is the idea of not using every new technology;only the ones that really will help librarians aid patrons (para. 4).
5)Making good yet fast decisions- this is the idea of not using technology for a project that takes months (para. 5). This is because technology changes too quickly and what is new today is old tomorrow.
6)Using Library 2.0 to be a trend spotter. This is the idea of looking at how technology is being used outside of our profession and seeing how it can be applied to a library setting (para. 6).
7)Library 2.0 gets content. This this "understanding that the future of libraries will be guided by how users access, consume and create content"(para. 7).

I liked this article because it was positive and broke down step by step how Library 2.0 can best be used in your library. Library 2.0 as it is described by Michael Stephens is how I like to utilize it; better providing library service to patrons.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Technorati is a website that enables users to search all the blogs out in cyberspace. It was interesting to see how this worked. When searching for pbclibrary.org 76 blogs were found. The results included sites that mentioned the Palm Beach County Library System games as well as the PBCLS website's excellent reader's advisory lists. To get results that include staff blogs participating in the 23 things project a search for Palm Beach County Library is needed.

When I searched for Web 2.0 on Technorati there were 471,232 results. What I found interesting was that there were so many blogs on this topic, in many languages (French, Spanish etc.) and the different interpretations of what the definition of Web 2.0 is.

I think this could be a better site then what it presently is. Check the site out for yourself http://technorati.com/search?advanced


Today I played around with Del.icio.us which is a tagging and social bookmarking website. I see this as being extremely useful to library staff. I love that I can save bookmarks to a site and then am able to use them on whatever computer I happen to be working on. It is great to be able to sort the bookmarks by tags so that similar sites can easily be found for all the users on Del.icio.us
Check out http://del.icio.us/

Friday, June 20, 2008

Today I Played With Image Generators

I used images generators from http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/
I created a map of places I traveled to in the United States with their Map Maker http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/map.php
I also used the site's jigsaw maker http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/jigsaw.php
I created a jigsaw puzzle of my adorable dog Sasha.
It was really a lot of fun and I could see how knowledge of image generators could be useful to me in the future.


Several weeks ago I opened up a Bloglines account. This is used to keep track of RSS feeds (news articles) that are of interest to one. I have several RSS feeds on my Bloglines account including things of interest to me personally (AboutDogs.Info) as well as those of use in the workplace (Librarians Internet Index). This is a great way to get up news on topics without having to search for topics yourself on a daily basis.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

USF Library

Originally uploaded by angela pangela
I realized that I had forgotten to post a link to the photo from flickr.com for anyone is interested in looking at some of Angela Pangela's other photos. All you need to do is click on the picture.

It is so interesting how flickr and blogspot were developed to work together so easily.

USF Library

This is a picture I found on flickr.com which was posted by user Angela Pangela.
It is of the University of South Florida Library in Tampa. This image interests me because I am currently a student at USF working towards my Masters in Library Science.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Sasha is my bichon frise. She is two years old and is such a cutie. I will be posting some of her pictures. In the meantime I have added a slide show of some bichons for you to enjoy.

Welcome to Jane's Blog

Hi there. Welcome to Jane's Blog. I am doing this blog as part of a project for my job. I work for The Palm Beach County Library System.