Monday, July 14, 2008

Library 2.0

I had read through a number of Library 2.0 articles. I particularly liked Michael Stephens' (Librarian, Blogger) article Into a New World of Librarianship Stephens describes six way to best incorporate library 2.0 into your library:
1) Using Library 2.0 as a 'strategy guide' for helping users find information, gather knowledge and create content" (para. 1). It's the idea of using new technologies to better do our jobs; to better help our patrons.
2)Creating plans for utilizing technologies to provide services, materials and outreach based on user need (para. 2). It is bringing services to users no matter where they are: "home, work, commuting, school, or at the library" (para. 2).
3) Embracing Web 2.0 tools to better connect with patron (para. 3). For instance using IMs for patrons unable to physically come to the library.
4)Controlling technolust- which is the idea of not using every new technology;only the ones that really will help librarians aid patrons (para. 4).
5)Making good yet fast decisions- this is the idea of not using technology for a project that takes months (para. 5). This is because technology changes too quickly and what is new today is old tomorrow.
6)Using Library 2.0 to be a trend spotter. This is the idea of looking at how technology is being used outside of our profession and seeing how it can be applied to a library setting (para. 6).
7)Library 2.0 gets content. This this "understanding that the future of libraries will be guided by how users access, consume and create content"(para. 7).

I liked this article because it was positive and broke down step by step how Library 2.0 can best be used in your library. Library 2.0 as it is described by Michael Stephens is how I like to utilize it; better providing library service to patrons.

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